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It’s Time to know your Enemy
The spirit of Jezebel has been coming against the prophetic people of God for centuries. At this time I believe the Lord wants to remind...

A Time for Unprecedented Favour and Radical Destiny
The Latter Is Different Than the Former Lately I have been sensing that the latter part of this year is going to be totally different...

Angelic Activity Is Increasing! What Role Do You Play?
I felt a nudge from the Lord over the past week to write about the activity of angels and how we have been given the authority to release...

Intercessors, Watchman and Heaven’s Negotiators
I wanted to share this prophetic glimpse into the Spirit realm I was given recently to strengthen those who stand in the courts of...

What God Showed Me Over France, Germany and Switzerland
Recently, I visited Europe and was blessed to be able to minister in Mainz, Germany. I was aroused inwardly for the European nations of...
Fürbitter & Wächter: Ihr seid mächtiger als ihr es wisst
Vor kurzem habe ich ein Wort für Fürbitter und Wächter empfangen, das aus mir heraussprudelte. Ich wusste, dass es für den Leib Christi...

Live from Germany | Danielle Dixon
In this short video, Ps Danielle Dixon is sharing at Bibel - Coaching (Apostolic Center) in Mainz, Germany. ____________ Click here to...

National Day of Prayer and Fasting
In this week's video, Ps Danielle Dixon is sharing some prophetic insight into what is happening in the region of Cairns at the National...

Your Pressure is Producing a Strong Harvest
In this season, I believe the Lord is talking to those who have sown and sown and sown. By "sown" I'm referring to sowing finances,...

Prophetic Whisper | Times & Seasons
The Lord has been speaking to me about Times and Seasons. “He changes times and seasons” - Daniel 2:21a When God shows us something cool...

Prophetic Whisper | Moving Forward
This is a reminder forget the past, move into everything God has for you in 2019. Lay hold of your destiny. It’s only when we shut doors...

Prophetic Whisper | The Harvest
As we have entered the second month of 2019 we are feeling the acceleration of God plans. Many of us have been crying out to see the...

Korea Trip | Healing Testimonies
We have had a number of miracles, breakthroughs and deliverances here in Busan, Korea but below are just two of the healing miracles that...

The devil has desired to sift the body of Christ like wheat, but Jesus has prayed
The pressure and resistance the body of Christ has experienced over the past few years, especially against kingdom leaders, is not...

Australia's Commissioning
Australia's Commissioning—The Great Southland is Arising I was watching the Awakening Australia Melbourne live on a recent weekend, and I...

Prophetic Whisper
You have heard it said through different prophetic voices we have entered a NEW ERA in 2019. I felt the Lord say look up the definition...
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