Recently, the Lord has been expounding on the word He gave me for 5780. This new Jewish decade, symbolized by the mouth "pey," is going to release the mysteries of God into the earth through man; mysteries that we can put into practical use concerning Kingdom building and bringing those things we have seen in the spirit into His earthly realm.
Co-Creators with Christ
As mankind reaches his full potential on the earth as a co-creator with God, we will see the manifestation of God's plans and purposes unfolding at an accelerated rate. God's wisdom and clear instructions on how to accomplish things God's way will be attached to these mysteries.
Man was made in the likeness and image of God (Genesis 1:26) with the purpose to create with God. Our Father doesn't need us but He desires to partner with His family. Man was created to work in union with God. We are co-laborers as it says in 1 Corinthians 3:9: "For we are co-workers in God's service; you are God's field, God's building."
Over the past decade, we've seen the future waves of glory hitting the earth for harvest. We've seen, in the spirit realm, glimpses of the one-billion-soul harvest becoming ripe, and many other amazing prophetic promises as the heavenly realms became more accessible.
Prophetic seers gave us incredible details of what they saw: encounters with the angelic, spirit translations, the reality of stepping into other dimensions, and visions and dreams that revealed Heaven's mandates. We prophesied what we saw, we wrote about it, and we communicated it through media to the best of our ability.
In this decade, we are not only going to prophesy about the things we see, we are also going to make them reality, bringing what we see back into this earthly realm. That is what co-creating is. We are the sons of God, we have been given the creative power of God in our mouths.
We create the same way our Father creates, with words. Everything was created by God (Colossians 1:16), through the Spirit of God, and responds to the frequency of words. Frequency has the ability to change the molecular structure of things.
Calling Heaven to Earth
We need Kingdom mindsets for this new era. Luke 15:31, "'My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.'" Sons take dominion and take their position in the Kingdom as co-creators.
Romans 4:17-21 are important Scriptures for this hour. Man's spirit was created as multidimensional, giving him access into the heavenly realm. The things the Lord shows us are ours. We can bring them into this realm through the creative power of the mouth. This is not a new technique. Abraham saw Issac, the promised son, in the spirit realm and staggered not at the promise of God. He was fully persuaded, calling those things that be not as though they were.
Everything in this seen world came from the unseen realm and was framed with words (Hebrews 11:1-3). Once we have spoken out what we have been shown, then faith is the substance needed to materialize the invisible.
We are called to manifest the harvest and change the direction of governments, nations, and economies. We are the light-bearers spoken of in Matthew 5:15. We were not created to be hidden, but to be the "lamp stand."
We sing and talk about bringing Heaven to Earth but do we really understand that it is mankind's mandate? The reason God created man's spirit as multidimensional was to manifest His Kingdom on Earth. We are designed as spiritual beings to not only interact with Heaven, but to actually transport Heaven to Earth.
This decade will see the sons of God take their place in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6) and arise to fulfill God's destiny for mankind as co-creators. The earth will be shaken by the manifestation of the sons of God; they will loose the bonds of iniquity.
As they command those things that be not as though they are, they will command the land to yield its increase, ungodly governments to fall, nations to open up, finances to be transferred from the wicked to build the Kingdom of God, and the manifestation of the one-billion-soul harvest on Earth. We were called to rule in the midst of our enemies (Psalm 110:2).
A few months ago, I saw in a vision what looked like an intergalactic battle going on over the earth between the angelic army and demonic army. It looked like there were laser beams of light coming out of the angel's swords as they battled.
As people decreed the promises of God on Earth, it delivered answers from Heaven, and more light was released from Heaven into the battle, forcing the enemy lines back. This vision brought a reality to these words: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:5).