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Australia will not be shaped by the laws of man
As you all would know by now the SSM results have been decided in Australia. It is a sad day for our nation but the hand of the Lord is...

We are Entering the Days of Awe
Featured on Elijah List John 4:35-38 has been revealed to me recently in an exciting fresh way. I have personally witnessed many people...

The Table (Dream Interpretation)
Featured on Elijah List Hi everyone, Thank you for the overwhelming support of my last few prophetic words. Today I wanted to share with...

Take Your Seat
Featured on Elijah List "Take your seat in the Heavenly places, and receive Christ’s Breaker Anointing.” Early this morning God put...

It’s Your Time New York
Featured on Elijah List I woke up this morning and heard, "IT’S YOUR TIME NEW YORK". I saw a portal opening over New York City and angels...

God's plan for Korea
The Lord has a different plan for Korea. The devil has tried for years to divide and destroy Korea, but the Lord has unity and...

A Vision of Blueprints for the United States
Featured on Elijah List Cities Transformed and Strongholds Brought Down Revival Waters and blueprints I recently had a vision of a map of...

Get Ready
Featured On Elijah List Wow! God is removing all the blockages from the enemy and catapulting you into your God given destiny. God has...

No Retreat
I heard the words "NO RETREAT" when I woke up this morning. Then I saw road blocks, signs saying turn back, no entry, wrong way, detour,...

Year of the PUSH
Featured on Elijah List Get Ready, 2017 is the Year of the PUSH 2017 is the year of the PUSH. There is a supernatural PUSH going on...
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