"Take your seat in the Heavenly places, and receive Christ’s Breaker Anointing.”
Early this morning God put Ephesians 2:6 on my heart, and as I thought about this scripture, I received a greater revelation.
"And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus." - Ephesians 2:6
We are already raised up with Him; we don't have to struggle to get a seat, we just have to be seated.' (Being seated means being relaxed, rested, not stressed or anxious.)
In this next season, it is imperative that we are seated in Christ, we need Jesus's Breaker Anointing, that yoke destroying power of God working through us.
"And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing." - Isaiah 10:27
It's time to sit in our seat of authority. It's time to forbid the enemy to intimidate us. But most importantly it's time to sit in the Heavenly places with Christ. In Greek “Christos” means: “The Anointed One.” We partake of His anointing when we are seated next to Him.
God is calling people to the Heavenly realms to receive His Breaker Anointing, not just individuals and churches, but forerunners to have a Breaker Anointing for cities and nations.
He is establishing people from around the world especially; The United States of America, Australia, Africa, South America, China and New Zealand to carry the Breaker Anointing. These carriers will not be afraid of the giants, but will go into regions and countries with the full expectation of radically changing the atmosphere by destroying the yoke and breaking open the heavens.
From creation, in Genesis the Lord said: "Be blessed and have dominion". We were made to have dominion over our circumstances. We were made to rule and reign. Our DNA is one of a King because we originate from the lineage of The King. We were created to be the head and not the tail, to subdue cities and nations.
We were not created to be ruled over.
There is a personal invitation extended from heaven to step into
His Heavenly realms. As we take our seat in these heavenly realms, we will have a clearer view of the plans and strategies of the enemy.
From this position, we will also see unprecedented angelic activity taking place worldwide.
Our Father is not looking for us to have a visitation like past seasons;
He is looking for us to make the heavenly realms a habitation.
The Father wants us to occupy these realms not just visit them.
As we are preparing to see the billion-soul harvest.
There is authority inside these realms that will never be tapped into unless we are seated there. So come up and be seated with Christ.