As you all would know by now the SSM results have been decided in Australia. It is a sad day for our nation but the hand of the Lord is upon this nation and nothing will shake it loose.
“Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets”. Amos 3:7
Maybe 3 months ago the Lord said to me "What if the Yes vote wins?" I realised then he was speaking prophetically and preparing my heart. At the time I shared this with a few people who seemed surprised because so many people have prayed and believed.
These prayers have not gone unnoticed in the courts of heaven, we are united like never before as a body. There is a revival of Intercessory Prayer taking place in this nation.
These are the words that followed the question the Lord posed "What if the Yes vote wins?" "It will not change the plan I have for this nation, it will not stop revival in this Land." I was comforted by God’s quiet but confident voice regarding our great nation. His plans for this nation will always outweigh anything the enemy throws at us.
This vote will not change any of the plans he has for this nation. Great men and women of God have visited and decreed the word of the Lord over this nation for hundreds of years from Captain Fernandez Pedro de Quiros (1606) who first spoke out “The Great South Land of the Holy Spirit” to Smith Wigglesworth who declared that Australia & New Zealand would herald the last move of God. Kenneth E Hagin spoke of a great army arising out of Australia filled with glory empowered by His Spirit. In the last 10 years, we have had Cindy Jacobs, Kenneth Copeland, Peter Wagner, Graham Cooke and Heidi Baker proclaim Gods hand on this nation. God’s glory is being manifested in this nation.
I declare and decree that Australia will fulfil its destiny in this hour every word that has been spoken over this nation will come to pass.
The battle lines are drawn our God is mighty in war and he will lift up a standard against the enemy. Our job is to believe the prophetic words spoken over our nation, our job is to stand in the face of adversity and declare His goodness.
So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19