I woke up this morning and heard, "IT’S YOUR TIME NEW YORK".
I saw a portal opening over New York City and angels were descending and ascending. I was looking at Times Square and the Lord said, “Many seeds of salvation, many tears and prayers have been sown into New York City".
I looked up at one of the billboard signs that were lit up by lights in Time Square and a huge sign said, "Salvation Belongs To The Lord"- Psalm 3:8 . The rest of that Scripture came to mind: "May your blessing be on your people". I had a strong sense the Lord was releasing blessing over New York City. The enemy has tried to chop down this tall, majestic city to stop God’s plans and the divine destiny for it, but the Lord’s hand is upon it and has only made it stronger and more resilient.
I saw the angels that descended from heavenly realms standing alongside people that were carrying out street ministry. It looked tough; they were talking and no one was listening or stopping. Then as the 'Evangel Angels' appeared and stood in the midst of these street ministries, people began softening and repenting. People were being led to the Lord through a display of His goodness and kindness. I saw people praying for the sick; miracles were manifesting. I then saw the same angels stirring up a whirlwind which started moving over the rest of New York City, bringing an atmospheric change.
There were many salvations and healings taking place in the Time Square area, creating interest from all over the United States and internationally. People were coming to take part and see what God was doing. God's nature filled the air causing expectancy. The Big Apple became the Apple of the Lord’s eye.
Many significant people have risen from this dignified city. The favor of God has been upon New York from the beginning. IT’S YOUR TIME NEW YORK to show forth God's favor to the rest of the world. The Great Revival fires of 1857 will be ignited again in your streets, producing a Great Awakening, causing a resurrection of regular downtown prayer meetings. The Glory of God will be seen on your famous skyline. New York will be a catalyst for Revival in the United States once again.
"Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings"
- Psalm 17:8