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God's Mercy
Featured on Elijah List We are in the generation where we will see thrones of darkness torn down and kingdoms crushed I woke up this...

Latin America and the Power of the Dance!
Featured on Elijah List From a Dance of Bondage to a Dance of Deliverance I felt to share a vision I had recently of Latin America. I saw...

Turn the Lights On
Featured on Elijah List Yesterday in corporate worship I saw the Lord turn on a light switch inside people’s brains as the switch was...

The Glory Army is being Released
Featured on Elijah List An invasion of Glory. I had a vision a few days ago of an angelic army being released from Heaven. You could...

Advance Australia - Fair and Forward Movement
Featured on Elijah List Advance Australia - Fair and Forward Movement “The Great South Land of the Holy Spirit.” The apostolic and...

Featured on Elijah List 2018 will be the year that doors of opportunity will be opened to supernatural financial increase. The treasures...

Gods Hollywood Gala
Featured on Elijah List 'He is rolling out the Red Carpet' God’s plan for Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry is greater than any of...

Arrows of Victory
Featured on Elijah List “The Lord’s arrows of victory are about to be shot into the enemy’s camp.” As we have stepped into the Jewish New...

We are Entering the Days of Awe
Featured on Elijah List John 4:35-38 has been revealed to me recently in an exciting fresh way. I have personally witnessed many people...

The Table (Dream Interpretation)
Featured on Elijah List Hi everyone, Thank you for the overwhelming support of my last few prophetic words. Today I wanted to share with...
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