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Wealth and Riches are in your land
Featured on Spirit Fuel I found the Lord speaking to me about financial increase and stability coming to the nation of Australia. Great...

Do you hear the sound of Revival Rain
Featured on Elijah List I heard the Lord say, “do you hear the sound of rain, the sound of the revival rains”? Often the Lord speaks to...

Land of the living
Featured on Elijah List I am strongly sensing the Lord is saying stop looking back into the past it’s time to leave the past mistakes,...

God is parting your Red Sea
This is for Gods people today don't let the enemy confine your thinking. It's time to step out into the things you know you are called to...

Divine Order
Featured on Spirit Fuel I recently had two powerful encounters with the Lord; firstly, he walked into my bedroom early one-morning last...

Winds of Change over Australia
Featured on Spirit Fuel Featured on Elijah List I saw this beautiful stirring photo, and I felt the Lord’s presence and a sense He is...

Modern-Day Intercessors, Watchmen and Gatekeepers - Arise!
Featured on Elijah List God's Covenant People Recently, the Lord started to speak to me through the account in Exodus chapter one about...

Harvest is on God’s mind, not Coronavirus
Featured on Spirit Fuel I had visions and published several words in 2017, 2018 and 2019 about the harvest that I strongly sense they are...

Welcome Home Prodigals
Featured on Spirit Fuel When I was sharing in our Sunday service this week, the Lord started to speak to me about prodigals returning. I...

A Time of Metamorphosis and New Life
Featured on Elijah List The Lord spoke to me recently about this present time through prophetic symbolism. Firstly, I saw a beautiful but...
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