I had visions and published several words in 2017, 2018 and 2019 about the harvest that I strongly sense they are for now.
This is not a time to let your guard down.
Most prophetic voices are given words 2-5 years in advance. This is the time of harvest the prophets have spoken about over the past few years.
There will be no perfect time, no perfect conditions in our land, no perfect governments, no perfect economy for harvest. We command the harvest by speaking to our land. God gave man authority over creation. We are on the verge of a global awakening. Take these words into your heart and start demanding harvest in your land.
A Vision of the Harvest
The Lord gave me the vision of a harvest in November 2018. In this vision, I saw the earth covered with large harvesting machines in every nation. The fields were white. I had a knowing these machines were working day and night. When I looked closer into the picture, each harvester was made up of people from every tribe, tongue and nation.
It was hard to tell them apart. Everyone became one, all working together. Amen!
God was revealing a global harvest that no demon can stop. Let’s revisit one of the crucial things God shared with me over the past few years.
The releasing of harvesting angels after we have commanded a harvest in our land it is an essential factor in gathering. This is how I found out about such angels.
In November 2018, while in San Francisco California, I had an incredible encounter, the Lord spoke to me about two angels that were on an assignment and they were coming to Australia.
I am not at liberty to share all the details but I will share some of this encounter to encourage you to release these angelic reapers into your harvest.
The Lord said these harvesting angels have been on assignment in the North to gather the harvest.
They bring the “WINDS OF CHANGE”.
I was taken into a heavenly realm, and I could see the two angels clearly. As I stared at them their appearance changed from normal-looking male appearance, to being dressed in white solider apparel with short blonde hair their features looked Nordic, rugged and stocky. As I was looking at them they turned into harvesting machines then they changed back into a male appearance.
I asked the Lord why I saw them this way?
He said,” If you look into them hard enough, you can see their assignment.”
He went on to say “They are very experienced; they have gathered many harvests in the earth. They have been on assignment in the North for many years. They were proud of their accomplishments for the Father.” He continued “This new assignment in Australia is exciting and also a challenge they take their assignments very seriously and always want to please the Father. They don’t please man they please the Father they honor man because the Father does.”
Then the Lord said, looking towards the angels “One angel is called WIND the other CHANGE you need both for a harvest a WIND to expose the hidden heart and a CHANGE of heart to repent.
He expounded how important it was to speak to our land and release these angels into our regions and nations. The Lord said “They have been assigned because you have been commanding the harvest they are activated by your words. Don’t stop; don’t give up. You are striking the ground with your intercession; your hearts cry to see the captives set free.”
He also spoke about the assignment from the devil to stop the finances of the harvesters.
“There are many demonic forces against the harvesters of the land you cannot harvest without angelic help. The greatest assignment is against the finances of the harvesters. Speak to the land command a harvest in your financial area release the harvesting angels into the lack and ask them to gather what belongs to you. There are finances that belong to you that have never been released. I said a man is worthy of his days hire and not to muzzle the oxen. Your seeds are great start commanding what belongs to you to be loosed in my name.”
I believe the Lord is encouraging us, we are not alone; he has harvesting angels all over the earth. But it is our job to release them to gather our harvest from the land.
“The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.” Matthew 13:39