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Wealth and Riches are in your land

I found the Lord speaking to me about financial increase and stability coming to the nation of Australia. Great Prosperity washing over her shores.

I saw a vision of a couple of Aussie Diggers ( returned soldiers) playing two-up, an Australian gambling game of choice played with coins. The coins I saw were silver in colour and had Australian mint stampings. I watched the coins go up, but when they came back down, they were Gold coins with Australian mint edgings they were too heavy to use in a gambling game.

I felt the Lord say he is bringing significant shift and stability to our economy. Trends within the economy will no longer be a gamble due to uncertainty. COVID19, strengthened the unpredictability in our nation’s economy, as many businesses have closed their doors over the last six months. People are waiting and watching. Investments are on the shelf; the housing market is literally at a standstill.

The Lord’s hand is resting upon the economy of Australia. I believe the symbolism of this vision is Australia has been in a mindset of gambling with her financial investments having no choice but to take risks. That is going to change the gold coins represent the inheritance of God in this nation. They also symbolize the stability of Gods Kingdom. Gold has always been considered a stable investment.

As financial confidence and hope return to the nation of Australia. Other nations will see prosperity in the land and want to invest in the natural resources and industry. Gold coins, I believe lap symbolized the Lord drawing my attention to the Australian goldfields where “two-up” was first introduced.

The natural resources that lay in the land are going to be exposed and mined. Old mines reopened new strikes. A supernatural release in the earth will cause a significant injection into Australia’s economy.

The land is responding to the decrees of a harvest that have been over the land of Australia, where we have been commanding an increase in the land commanding the land to yield her fruit.

Psalm 67:6

”Then the earth will yield its harvests, and God, our God, will richly bless us.”

The ground is responding to the abundance of His word in this land to bear fruit; the result will be bumper groups. Crops for internal use and export are going to reach new highs.

These are the signs of transformation in a nation, Australia will become a spiritual and financial hot spot in the earth, opening up our doors for future opportunity.

The favour of God will be seen in this Great South Land of the Holy Spirit.

”I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.”

Isaiah 45:3

Rise up Australian business leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, financiers; this is not a time to let doom and gloom overtake you. Turn your ear to heaven you will start to receive strategies, business plans, investment plans and blueprints for the next decade being released from heavens volts.

Australia you are a storehouse for the Lord you will help many nations in a time of crisis. Your sowing will open up nations to the gospel. You are called to finance transformation in other nations.

Australia you have solutionist, stadium revivalist already prepared by the Lord waiting to be launched into the nations. These men and women are pregnant with the harvest. To those who are carrying this burden the Lord is saying start expecting to give birth, start decreeing a wealth transfer like never seen on earth, this wealth is earmarked by heaven for harvesting the earth.


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