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Land of the living

I am strongly sensing the Lord is saying stop looking back into the past it’s time to leave the past mistakes, failures, bad decisions, shame, guilt, condemnation the things that the devil has beat you up for years, leave them behind once and for all.

Many of Gods people in the Body of Christ have been in a season of intense restoration over the past few years. Releasing past hurts, motives of the heart, wounds, character flaws, disappointments and betrayals.

I am a person that loves the restorative power of God and have worked in this arena for over twenty - five years. This is not a message saying restoration ministry is wrong or not needed ever.

But, It’s time for many to walk in the promise of newness the Lord is reminding us that we are New Creations in Christ ( His Creations) behold all things have become new, the old is passed away. 1 Corinthians 5:17.

This scripture is not saying we have obtained perfection, or we will model it in the future. This scripture is not saying we will never need Gods restoration.

What I believe the Lord is saying right now through this word enough is enough you can’t fix yourself or anyone else. You can’t pay the price to get rid of your past guilt, shame, condemnation and bad decisions.

The Lord has a prescription for living in total freedom from the past leave it in the past walk in the renewal he brought at the cross.

I heard the Lord say “I want my people to seal off their past” what does that mean He is asking us not to rehash and revisit the old. It’s time to forgive yourself and others to release the judgements and debts you have held against yourself and others, stop trying to fix yourself. The price is paid.

It’s time to walk in the righteousness that was purchased for us through the blood of Jesus. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him, we might become the righteousness of God. 1 Corinthians 5:21

Standing in your righteousness is one of the biggest weapons against satan’s devices. He hates we are forgiven and made righteous he hates even more we know it. We have been made righteous not because of how together our life is, we are made righteous because Jesus was made to be sin for each one of us so we could live under the banner of righteousness.

This is a time we are being propelled into the plans and alignments of God, don’t miss the day of your visitation because you were living in the past. Jesus is saying let the dead bury the dead. You are dead in Christ start living in the land of the living.

Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." Luke 9:60

It’s time for us to settle; we are not called to dead works we have a mandate to proclaim the kingdom of God on earth. That kingdom is within us Luke 17:21

all of the power for renewal is within us. To live and walk in that power we have to stay present, stay focused on the future, remain in the land of the living.

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.”Psalm 27:13


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