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I love bringing the reality of Heaven and sharing my personal glimpse of Heaven. During these first encounters in 1999, my life was...

There is a table prepared for us in the midst of our enemies, come and dine
The Lord has been bringing prophetic insight into the importance of coming to sit at the Lord's table to receive the Kings daily portion....

Abide in the rest of God
The Lord has been speaking to me about abiding in the rest of God. Not just entering but abiding in His rest. Living from a place of...

Its time to return to the Word of God
There are so many opinions and ideas filling our atmospheres in current times. As prophetic people, we love to hear the prophets...

Saved in Japan
Recently, the Lord has been highlighting the industrious and captivating nation of Japan. The Lord wants to encourage those who have been...

2021 Coming of Age
While seeking the counsel of God for 2021, He started to show me this year is synonymous with our ”Coming of Age” as a Body of believers;...

Opening Portals in 2021
I felt prompted to share what the Lord has been showing me over the past month about opening portals. The Lord wanted to remind us...

Fruit of Redemption
This word from the Lord was given to me early in the morning on the first day of January 2021. For all those who are praying and standing...

The Scots are coming
Featured on Elijah List I heard the Lord say ”the Scots are coming” then I heard in the spirit a thundering noise like a stampede coming...

Humility is a weapon against offence
There have been many unexpected demonic attacks over the last few months. The Lord showed me the enemy has been blindsiding the people of...

Speak to the Mountain
Are you over watching the devil do whatever he wants in your life, family, business, city, nation? Well, so is your God. The devil wants...

The enemy wants to shut us up.... God is saying speak up!
Featured on Spirit Fuel There are so many distractions going on around us at present in the earth our attention has been grabbed by bad...

We are entering the Third day of Restoration
Featured on Elijah List Featured on Spirit Fuel Recently, I had an encounter with God where He reminded me of a passage in Scripture I...

Out of the Wilderness and into a Season of Manifestation
Featured on Elijah List Many of God's people are coming out of a season of hiddenness (wilderness) into a season of manifestation. The...

Norway, your Skies will light up with the Glory of God!
Featured on Elijah List Recently, the Lord drew my attention to Norway. As I was studying a map of the Nordic countries, the Lord said,...

Out of the Wilderness & into a Season of Manifestation
Featured on Elijah List Many of God's people are coming out of a season of hiddenness (wilderness) into a season of manifestation. The...
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