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Let the real Fathers and Mothers stand up

This word has been building over the last few weeks. I heard a cry from sons and daughters in the land; it sounded like a distressed newborn baby crying. The Lord said,“I am raising the true Fathers and Mothers in the earth to bring peace to this generation and provoke them to maturity”.

This year 2021, symbolised in the coming of age, God has been maturing us in many different areas. We are being prepared for the coming year's; for those who have yielded to this process, there will be an opportunity to help others grow and mature in areas where they have been stunted. This type of maturity allows people to operate in the fulness of the Parental anointing.

A Fathering/ Mothering movement has been going on in the earth over the last few decades, but many were only Fathers and Mothers by name or title. There is a desperation in this spiritual atmosphere to see the restoration of Gods Sons and Daughters. These Fathers and Mothers are not calling back Prodigals into the Kingdom; they are using their parental anointing to destroy the orphan yoke, causing them to take their rightful place in Gods Kingdom Family.

The “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with destruction”. Malachi 4:5-6

In this scriptural account, the Spirit of Elijah being sent into the earth produces restoration of the Parental anointing to see the prodigals restored into the Kingdom Family. Then we will know the power of God in an unprecedented way working and building kingdom families across the earth.

What kind of Fathers and Mothers is He speaking of, not necessarily the leaders of big churches and ministries. He asks those who have Gods heart as Fathers and Mothers to stand up ones who will leave the ninety-nine to go after the one. The number of people they have ministered to is not essential. Where they live is not important; what kind of building they have is irrelevant. What is Important and relevant is endurance, long-suffering, humility, sacrifice, selflessness, no offence, as they carry hope, mercy, and grace the traits of Kingdom family builders.

They are handpicked for this season; they will do what religion and organisations could not. Kingdom Family Builders that calm the souls of the prodigals and these lost generation bringing new identity and security that will cause them to go from generational curses into generational blessings so Gods children can fulfil their heavenly mandates.

The Lord pointed out these scriptures “I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’ Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth” Isaiah 43:6

And also, again, the promise is repeated in Isaiah 60:4

“Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the hip”.

The Lord spoke of how He will return his Sons and Daughters to Fathers and Mothers. I believe this is the time He is ready to carry out these prophetic words. This is the hour he is calling the real Fathers and Mothers to stand up to receive the harvest.


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