There are so many distractions going on around us at present in the earth our attention has been grabbed by bad news, doom and gloom projected day after day in the news and on the internet.
The Lord is saying ”don't participate in the worlds survival mode” the Lord is saying ”do the opposite start declaring and decreeing what you want to see in 2021”.
It's time to do all that's in our hearts. The prophetic things God has placed in our hearts will be birthed through our decrees.
The Lord reminded me our future is the past in heaven; what does God see in our future. What is God saying about the world's future?
I believe God sees worldwide revival, restoration, reformation and transformation. A billion soul harvest coming in which we believe has already started in 2020, nations being changed in a day, impossible governmental victories , miracles, signs and wonders like never before.
We know in our hearts this is the truth we have prophesied, written and preached about these things for decades. Now is the time of manifestation.
We are currently being aligned to Gods plans in a fresh and real way. The enemy has done all he can to stop this manifestation of Gods Glory, but nothing can stop Gods timeline.
“For the Lord, Almighty what he has purposed, and who can stop him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?” Isaiah 14:27
Don’t come out of this year 2020 saying negative things about this year Example“ I am glad that 2020 is finished, or what will we face next year, not sure I can take any more etc. that is the language of the enemy.
God wants us to Start 2021 decreeing and declaring what we want to see in the next year.
What do you see for your life? Our region? Our nation? This is the time to open our mouths and start speaking up during this last window of 2020.
We are prophets over our destinies. Our lives line up with our words. We are laying a platform with our words a launching pad for 2021
The enemy wants us to shut-up; God is saying speak up. Help us, Lord!
”Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips.” Psalms 141:3