The Latter Is Different Than the Former
Lately I have been sensing that the latter part of this year is going to be totally different from the intense warfare that so many of God's sons and daughters have been under.I had an impression that the old, financial way of doing things has ended. This was the completion of a season of financial struggle, lack, delay and setback. I believe we've stepped into a new, fiscal year heralding unprecedented favor.
God's Favor is at Work in the Fullness of Time
As I was meditating on what the plans and purposes of God would look like in this season, the Lord impressed on me that He is releasing divine favor into the Body of Christ which will cause a dramatic shift. He is doing this so that the world will know who our God is and what He can do!This is not the type of favor that causes people to like us or to give us "warm, fuzzy feelings." It is a supernatural favor to get the job done despite our lack of finances, wisdom, revelation or experience in any area. This kind of favor has little to do with how wonderful we are and everything to do with the appointed times of God.
In the Bible, we see that God's works have a set "Mow'ed" (appointed time). We read repeatedly about the "fullness of time, the appointed time and the fulfillment of time." In the Hebrew culture, these phrases represent the full circles of life where something is completed.
The Lord lead me to Psalm 102, which speaks of such times:
"I know You are about to arise and show Your tender love to Zion. Now is the time, Lord, for Your compassion and mercy to be poured out—the appointed time has come for Your prophetic promises to be fulfilled!" (Psalm 102:13)
In Psalm 102:14-20, I saw the prophetic picture of the Body of Christ today, crying out to see God's goodness upon the earth: "For Your servant's weep in sympathy over Zion's ruins and feel love for her every stone. When You arise to intervene, all the nations and kings will be stunned and will fear Your awesome name, trembling before Your glory! Yes, You will reveal Yourself to Zion and appear in the brightness of Your glory to restore her and give her children. He responds to the prayer of the poor and broken and will not despise the cry of the homeless. Write all this down for the coming generation, so re-created people will read it and praise the Lord! Tell them how Yah looked down from His high and holy place, gazing from His glory to survey the earth. He listened to all the groaning of His people longing to be free, and He set loose the sons of death to experience life."
Positioned for Radical Destiny
We saw this kind of supernatural favor upon Joseph's life during great darkness. God made a way to supernaturally promote him at the appointed time. At seventeen, he was sold into slavery. At thirty, he was prime minister of a nation. This is God's divine favor at work. Favor may not bring short cuts, but favor fulfills radical destiny.
We will see positions of political authority, justice departments, ruling and governing bodies in the nations of the earth being fulfilled by the sons and daughters of God. It may have looked impossible for them to win the vote and unlikely that they would turn the hearts of the people, so there will be no other explanation for their positioning than God's favor.
We will also see the people of God fulfilling His plans in the area of acquiring lands, properties, expansions and establishing church and community-functioning organizations.
Things are close to their fullness of time, and it will not matter what the enemy does. When the favor of God is lavishly poured out, people will say, "Is anything too hard for their God?"
You Are on the Last Lap!
In a vision, I saw angels waving checkered flags as if they were signaling the last lap of a car race. The cars in the race were formula 1s. I believe that through this vision, the Lord is saying that God's vehicles are in top performance, fine-tuned, and near the end of their race.
These angels that were being dispatched into the earth were too many to number, and as they waved the checkered flags, the favor of God was being released, encouraging God's people as if to say, "You are on the last lap. Don't stop. Shortly there will be a lap of honor!" There is an increase of angelic activity in this hour of favor.