In this season, I believe the Lord is talking to those who have sown and sown and sown. By "sown" I'm referring to sowing finances, prayer, time or resources into your family, church, region or nation.
A Harvester of Enormous Proportions
When we became Christians, we were taught to sow and what it means to sow. Sowing is part of the new nature. Our God is such an outrageous giver, so naturally, His children should also be givers/sowers. What we forget is our God is also a reaper; a harvester of enormous proportions. Many parables in the Word of God speak of sowing and reaping, never just sowing.
This is an appointed time for the sowers to become reapers. It's time for us to gather our harvest. Why is this so important? It breaks God's spiritual laws when we only sow and never reap. It causes us disappointment and weariness when we obey God's Word and don't see the results. It makes the heart sick.
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13:12)
Sadly, many people have given up, turned back or quit because they did not see their harvest. Yet, this is a time of multiplication over your seed sown, as spoken of 2 Corinthians 9:10, "Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness..." I believe supernatural acceleration is upon your seed that's been planted.
"'The time will come,' says the LORD, 'when the grain and grapes will grow faster than they can be harvested. Then the terraced vineyards on the hills of Israel will drip with sweet wine!'" (Amos 9:13)
New Wine is Coming from the Harvest
What is this Scripture saying? Supernatural acceleration is happening to your seed. Your harvest is ripe and ready to be harvested, causing new wine. God's goodness, seen on His people, always causes outpouring...yes!
Sowers, today I want to share keys to receiving your harvest in this season that the Lord has shared with me. I encourage you to stand up against fruitlessness, poverty, lack, no prayer results, debt, and delays as these are the lies of the enemy. The devil has been telling you that these things are your portion. But I'm telling you, no they aren't! Today, I decree harvest over your life!
Your Keys
1. Believe you actually have a harvest. I don't care if you planted that seed 20 years ago. If you planted seed, then it is your crop (see Mark 4:8).
2. Stop saying, "One day God will bless me." Look up, the harvest is ripe (see John 4:35).
3. Declare, "I am a reaper. I am a harvester. I am in a season of harvest" (see Psalm 107:37-38).
4. Start decreeing and commanding your land to bring forth increase. Your land is where you sowed financially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally in your family, in your region, and in your nation (see Psalm 67:6).
5. Release the harvesting angels into your harvest. There are harvesting angels, assigned to reap on our behalf as spoken of in Matthew 13:39.
6. Start collecting/receiving the harvest with thanksgiving (see Psalm 9:1).
Pressure Stopping the Growth?
I saw a vision of many large harvest fields. Every time the seedling came through the soil, a large hand came out of no where and was stopping the growth. I got the sense this hand was evil. This hand was pressing very hard upon the ground, causing so much pressure on the plant. Then the Lord just reached down, effortlessly, and removed the hand. As He did this, crops started to spring up everywhere all over the fields. Satan thought he was stopping the crops by applying pressure, but the reality was that when they sprung up, they were stronger, more mature, and able to endure the toughest circumstances. They were ready to bear fruit and be harvested.
The enemy has applied pressure on the seed of God to stop the people of God from bearing fruit. What he meant for evil has turned around for good. This is a season of harvest and our God is releasing the pressure over our harvest. The harvest has always been under the surface. Our fruit will be stronger, more enduring, tougher, and more mature due to the pressure the enemy applied over this last season.
"You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder." (Isaiah 9:3)