I awoke a few days ago to the Lord saying “A New Day is Dawning” which got my attention immediately as they are not words I would use, then he took me to a scripture in Luke chapter one. “A New Day will Dawn on us from above because our God is loving and merciful. He will give light to those who live in the dark and in death’s shadow. He will guide us into the way of peace.” - Luke 1:78-79 The formal meaning of the word Dawn is "to see clearly”. This is a New Day, we have stepped into a consistent flow of light from the heavenly realms filled with the Fathers love and mercy which is causing us to come out of cloudiness and see clearly. A much greater clarity has been unlocked over the Body of Christ, things that seemed hard to discern, some even undetectable in darkness are being revealed at the Dawning of this New Day. The atmosphere of the New Day is impregnated with hope. The promise in this scripture “He will give light to those who live in the dark and in death’s shadow” is not just for the church it is the hope of all ages converging on the earth at one time. His glorious light will satisfy the groans of all creation. A New Day is Dawning where the Lord is renewing hope and taking the things that looked impossible and putting them into the realm of possibilities. The gift of discernment is heightened from this heavenly climate to see beyond the veil, making it available to all that are seeking but with this clear vision comes a responsibility to call into alignment God’s purposes and plans over People Groups, Regions and Nations. This magnified insight is causing the brightness of our promised future to be highlighted. The Lord is decreeing, to the ones that stopped dreaming due to disappointment they will dream again, to the ones that stopped believing you will believe again, to the ones that have no hope you will have hope. When God shines His light on situations darkness has no place to hide restoration begins in His luminous light. Our world is about to light up with the true picture of where we are situated on God’s timeline as we see a clear picture of our impending destiny, momentum will take over us causing acceleration, expectation and excitement. There have been many blinded on the journey through hurt and pain, clarity of vision brings about deliverance from deception. Once trapped in the darkness of deception now the brightness of our future is being made clear for all of God’s people to see and all the world to know. This will encourage many to step up into that transforming light, to bask in that light to live in that light. I could hear this worship song from Hillsong Australia which I have not heard for many years playing in my spirit I listened intently to the words. “Light of the world Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness Opened my eyes, let me see Beauty that made this heart adore you Hope of my life spent with You And here I am to worship ………" The brightness of His New Day Dawning is producing worship from the heart spontaneous worship, uncontainable worship. As we see the manifestation of what God has in store for us individually and corporately our hearts will explode. We have a glorious future a New Day is Dawning. It is springing forth God is dilating our eyes, so we see it clearly. His heart's desire is to see the wilderness areas of our lives run like a river. The darkness of our hearts illuminated with His glory. I pray right now for every person to have their spiritual eyes dilated to see their bright future wherever their vision has been clouded. I decree and declare clarity of Vision, I decree and declare that hope is restored. It is a New Day Dawning over God’s people, they are stepping out of darkness into the brightness of His glorious light. I decree and declare that people will dream again their vision is enhanced, hope is restored, they will believe again in Jesus Name. Behold, I will do a new thing; now shall it spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19