I woke up to hearing these words "Come into the light" You have heard it said arise and shine for the glory of the Lord has Risen, gross darkness covers the people's of the earth but he Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.
Vision -
I saw a vision of a light house ( the Church) it was standing in complete darkness the light was not on and the seas were very treacherous ( I remember thinking turn on your light it's dangerous out there). At first the light only turned on when someone run into the rocks below who were trying to escape the wild seas. Then I saw a man ( Jesus) go inside the lighthouse and climb internally to the top where he made what looked like a few small adjustments then the light was continuously shinning bright ( the church will be a light in the darkness it will carry the answers) and it's light went as far as the eye could sees bright. As the light touched the coast line other lighthouses appeared until the whole coast of Australia was filled with lighthouses. Australia was shinning light was going out to other nations in darkness.
The Lord said "Australia is an end-time Nation of Light that will break through darkness in other nations".
I wondered what was that adjustment the Lord made internally? to cause the church to shine like it had never shone before. It was a supernatural light not like a regular lighthouse. This light is the glory of God reserved for the Church in the latter days.
There is a GREAT AWAKENING which has started in our nation. The people are AWAKENED to know who they are not what they can do.
The Lord said "the church as a whole has concentrated on what they can do. I am AWAKENING my people to who they are. This AWAKENING will cause people to know their authority to know the power of their prayers to really know their enemies are defeated. Power to change situations to change circumstances , to change atmospheres is in their mouths I have asked you to declare my words and I will watch over them to preform them. The enemy has tried to defeat my people by shutting their mouths but that is about to change I am removing the muzzle. My Church will once again be the voice of authority in this nation. The whole earth is groaning for the sons of God to come forth (Romans 8:19) and come forth they will like thunder their voices will be heard in the heavens. No longer a defeated or passive church but a victorious church a proactive church. My church is a glorious church (Ephesians 5:26) and nothing will stop her from moving into this AWAKENING . The enemy has pulled his best tricks to get you to run away, to be quiet , to turn back but no longer will my sons & daughters be fooled they will know I have defeated the enemy and they have been given the authority to stand the ground.
Come out into the light Church of Australia it's your time to Shine"
Job 22:28
"You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways"