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If you have successfully completed any of my courses, I would love for you to leave a testimonial. With your permission, we would love to share your testimonial below on our Website and Facebook to help encourage others to reach their full potential!
What course did you complete?

Thanks for submitting!




“So many breakthroughs,

I have been waiting for years to be ACTIVATED. I'm doing the stuff and having confidence to step out and trust.”  



“Thank you for making the Push experience available.

It has certainly pushed me deeper into an understanding of God's love for me and His desire that I bring through the ministry of a prophetic word of knowledge, a message of love, encouragement and an insight of God's purpose for another person in his/her journey with Jesus.”  



“Push has really propelled me forward in the area of the prophetic. The teaching has opened up my understanding of our authority as believers in the heavenly realm.

The activation aspect of Push has given us opportunities to practice in a safe and supported environment. ”  



“I have come to a new revelation of being seated in Heavenly places. Now I feel I can go there and sit in His presence.  




“I’d like to encourage all to do this course. It's very practical, easy to understand and very user-friendly that can be used every day just to be aware of God’s leading in very practical ways. This course builds confidence in stepping into boldness that you may not have had before.”  



“I found with “Restore” it was a good reminder of thing I thought I understood but obviously didn’t correctly. I realised I am a “Captive” but not a “Prisoner”. I can now pray about that, so many other things are now clarified for me. Amen.  



“I was sooo hungry for this! Danielle is so raw, so real, so clear. Jesus Christ Represent! Loved every moment of this practical teaching that immediately became activated in my life. I praise you, Jesus. What a beautiful life this is in Christ Jesus.  



“Thank you for encouraging all believers to use our authority in Christ to minister in love to others who are hurting through the power of God’s Holy Spirit, so we cab give others the comfort God the Father has given us in our times of trouble (2 Corin 1:4)”  




I am very thankful that Danielle and her husband have been invited. For the first time, I have heard about God´s Love in this manner, about obstructions and redemptions. Thank you for the experience of finding God´s spirit.



Mainz, November 3, 2019

The following visions about my harvest have been given to me:


I will have a healing service

- in my own house, within my church in my home


- everywhere I go, on the streets, wherever God will place me


My children J & L will invite Jesus into their hearts and they will burn for Him.



Mainz, November 3, 2019


I was very impressed by the whole weekend. Thanks to you and your whole Team. You have achieved a lot.


Jesus has been working on me during the whole weekend cutting roots. It is liberating when Jesus works on us and heals us.


Thank you for all your co-prayers. Healing was flowing noticeably through me. I was overwhelmed at the power that the married couple Dixon has. The power of God is in them, 100%.


My pain is still gone and the swelling also. I expect it to stay like this.


I am burning for Jesus and I want to be guided by the spirit of God … the weekend with Danielle Dixon has changed my life with God.


An exciting time of service for God is about to start.



Mainz, November 5, 2019

God has basically told me years ago and a few months ago very insistently, that the bad things connected to the generations before us (poverty, abuse, curses, bad behaviour) have to be cut!

Thank you for the “tools” I now have, so I can implement this. There is a lot to be done in my family J

The new Life through the blood of Jesus Christ is to reign!



Mainz, November 5, 2019

Thanks to all of you for having organized this precious conference and the opportunity to be a partaker. I have picked up so much and I´m going to work through these things during the course of the next weeks and months, so I can receive more and more of my healing.



Mainz, November 6, 2019

Although I am familiar with spiritual laws and have experienced a lot of healing (marriage healed and rescued), God has shown me something: I was allowed to AGAIN and consciously forgive my mother. I realized I had judged her bitterness and negativity again and again. Since this moment there is peace in this situation and absolute love has been restored. I may love my mother and I´m looking forward to give her that love. What a difference in my thoughts towards her.

Thank you Abba Father. Thank you!



Mainz, November 3, 2019

I loved the seminar a lot, especially being activated by the Holy Spirit and the question and answer time that Danielle offered. I would have loved to watch live how the two of them minister deliverance to individuals.
I was especially touched by the love of God with which both of them meet people while ministering. It is so vitally perceptible that love and encouragement are in the first place in their ministry – that has deeply moved me.



Mainz, November 18, 2019

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